Saturday, March 14, 2009

Five fingers on our right hand

If u don't know how to pray..

u can lead up your right hand...

we can pray by using our 5 fingers on right hand.

1) 拇指= is the finger which is the most close to us.....mean the people who near us, like family, friend and...

2)食指= is the finger who use to point the other....mean the person who doing the job of 指指点点, the person who doing the job of teaching. (招待员,组长,导师,职员,基督徒)..the person who need to be a good teacher in fornt of the other and guide the other to walk on true way... actually tat is u..

3)中指= is the most tallest fingers among five...mean the person who always stand in the middle of people when taking the photos..haha(牧师,执事,领导者)--leader --or u also can be this person..

4)无名指= is the finger tat we feel that is the most useless on but also the important one...mean the person who are more weak either on their health of phycical or spirictual.

5)尾指= is the finger of 小我..mean's pray for yourselve.

1 comment:

Janice said...

haha..good...i oso use tat method of prayer...